Evershine CPAs Firm was qualified as an overseas member of USA PCAOB in September 2008. In cooperation with USA domestic CPA firms (also qualified by USA PCAOB), Evershine co-audited USA stock market listing company named as TTSS (Nick Name) and its Asian-based subsidiaries in Chongqing City, PRC.

  • U.S.A. SEC certified CPA firm engaged with Evershine to be their auditing arms in Asia.
  • Evershine prepared audited working papers in Asian subsidiaries which were sent to U.S.A. SEC certified CPA for their review.
  • TTSS (Nick Name) is a listed company in OTCBB.
  • TTSS (Nick Name) is a pharmaceutical company.
  Awarded one of the Annual Chinese Top Ten Most Promising Golden Torch Award in 2008; for the financial accounting and payroll BPO service, sponsored by the Outstanding Enterprise Manager Association of the R.O.C.

  • Issuance date of the Golden Torch Award: Aug 27, 2008
  • This was to certify that Evershine CPAs Firm innovative service “Business Process Outsourcing of Financial Accounting using a Web-based Collaborative Platform for Business Internal Control” participated in the seventh annual “2008 Annual Chinese Top Ten Most Promising Golden Torch Award” selection activities and was determined to obtain the greatest honor by the evaluation association.

  • (1) BPO service helps foreign-owned subsidiaries in Taiwan to conveniently set up their operation base. It directly improves the investment environment in Taiwan.
    (2) BPO service assists Taiwanese parent companies to easily control their overseas subsidiary operations worldwide. It allows Taiwan to directly be a management center of an International operating company.
  Also in Aug 2008, Evershine CPAs was assigned by two foreign-owned subsidiaries in Taiwan, whose parent company came from the USA, to provide them with BPO service for financial accounting and payroll processing.

  • Evershine CPAs manages the following jobs using a web-based IT collaborative platform.
    • Account payable process
    • Account receivable process
    • Payroll BPO service
    • General Ledger Cost Accounting
    • VAT application
    • Tax Returns Application
  • Evershine CPAs staff collaborates with the staff of these subsidiaries in Taiwan whose job position typically is salesman, purchaser and/or administrative assistant. Some of these subsidiaries don’t even need to recruit any accountant or cashier in Taiwan.
  • Through mutual collaboration using web-base IT platform, we help these subsidiaries set up their financial accounting system so that it complies with 404 compliance procedures regulated by the PCAOB.
  • The foreign-owned subsidiaries were located in Taipei.
  • The client industries included semiconductor, solar cell, and optical fiber.
  During June 2008, Evershine CPAs was assigned by three Taiwan-based parent companies to provide BPO service in financial accounting to their subsidiaries located in Shanghai, Hong Kong, Guangzhou, and Zibo City of Shandong.

  • Evershine CPAs, together with the staff of these overseas subsidiaries, managed the following jobs using the web-based IT collaboration platform.
    • Account payable process
    • Account receivable process
    • Payroll BPO service
    • General Ledger
    • Cost Accounting
    • VAT application
    • Tax Returns Application
  • Evershine CPAs staff collaborates with the staff of the subsidiaries in Taiwan whose job position typically is sales assistant, purchase assistant and/or administrative assistant. Some of these subsidiaries don’t even need to recruit any accountant or cashier in Taiwan.
  • Evershine CPAs provided its allied partner in each subsidiary the BPO service in financial accounting and payroll affairs. These allied partners are CPA firms or Tax CPA firms which help assure the quality of the BPO service.
  • Through mutual collaboration using the web-based IT collaborative platform, we helped these subsidiaries set up their financial accounting system so that it complies with 404 compliance procedures regulated by the PCAOB.
  Evershine CPAs Firm successfully won a bid to audit 32 non-profit organizations granted by the Environmental Protection Bureau of the Executive Yuan in Taiwan last May 2008.

  • The non-profit organizations were governed or sponsored by the Environmental Protection Bureau of the Executive Yuan in Taiwan.
  • Evershine CPAs provided assistance to the NGO’s to help them learn about how to comply with regulations.
  In June 2008, Evershine CPAs successfully won a bid to audit 33 non-profit organizations of the Entertainment Group business from the Department of Cultural Affairs of the Taipei City Government.

  • 1.The non-profit organizations governed or sponsored by the Department of Cultural Affairs of the Taipei City Government included dance groups, theater, bands, etc.
  • 1.The Department of Cultural Affairs of the Taipei City Government aims at letting Evershine CPAs check if their sponsors funds are being used correctly.
  • 1.Evershine CPAs provided assistance to help NGO’s learn about how to comply with regulation.
  Evershine CPAs Firm won a bid to audit 147 non-profit organizations granted by the Department of Social Welfare of the Taipei City Government in May 2008.

  • The non-profit organizations governed or sponsored by the Department of Social Welfare included orphanages, homes for the aged, etc.
  • Evershine CPAs provided tuition and help to the NGO’s regarding how to comply with regulation.
  In May 2008, Evershine CPAs Firm successfully won a bid to audit 25 non-profit organizations granted by the Department of Civil Affairs of the Taipei City Government.

  • The non-profit organizations were governed or sponsored by the Department of Civil Affairs of the Taipei City Government.
  • Evershine CPA’s provided tuition and help to the NGO’s about how to comply with regulation.
  Being an overseas qualified member of the USA PCAOB, Evershine CPAs Firm co-audited a USA stock market listed company and its Asia-based subsidiaries in cooperation with a USA domestic CPA firm (also qualified by the USA PCAOB) during March 2008.

  • US SEC certified CPA firm engaged Evershine CPAs as their auditing arm in Asia.
  • Evershine CPAs prepared audited working papers for Asian subsidiaries which were sent to the US SEC certified CPA for their review.
  • The client is a listed company in the OTCBB.
  • The client develops cancer therapy drugs.
  Evershine CPAs Firm, in cooperation with IAPA members in Jakarta, won a bid to do the due diligence in Cepu, Indonesia, assigned by OPIC, a subsidiary of Taiwan state-owned China Petroleum.

  • OPIC evalulated the feasibility of investing in a joint venture company in Indonesia. OPIC assigned Evershine CPAs to do this feasibility study.
  • According to the relevant Indonesian laws, the joint venture company which was recently formed and will hold the participating interest in a Production Sharing Agreement (“PSA”) in Indonesia shall confirm the purchase of the interest within two months from the day of the operator’s interest release.
  • Scope of Service Evershine CPAs provided service to the OPIC (and/or its affiliate which may invest in the Cepu Project). The services included the following:
    • Due diligence with OPIC’s team and Evershine CPAs to the operator of Cepu PSC and ExxonMobile Oil Company. The due diligence items that Evershine CPAs was engaged to perform include:
    • Financial Due Diligence
    • Tax Due Diligence
    • Tax Advice on Transaction Structure
    • Due diligence of the JVC which was recently formed and which was to hold the participating interest in the Production Sharing Agreement (“PSA”) in Indonesia.
  Evershine CPAs was appointed to provide BPO service in financial accounting by six foreign-owned subsidiaries in Taiwan, whose parent companies come from the USA, Mexico, Brazil, Netherlands and Singapore during March 2008.

  • Evershine CPAs managed the following jobs using the web-based IT collaborative platform.
    • Account payable process
    • Account receivable process
    • Payroll BPO service
    • General Ledger
    • Cost Accounting
    • VAT application
    • Tax Returns Application
  • Evershine CPAs staff collaborated with the staff of these subsidiaries in Taiwan. Some of these subsidiaries did not need to recruit any accountant or cashier in Taiwan.
  • Through mutual collaboration using the web-based IT platform, we helped these subsidiaries set up their financial accounting system so that it complied with 404 compliance procedures regulated by the PCAOB.
  • The foreign-owned subsidiaries were located in Taipei, Hsinchu, Taichung and Tainan.
  • The clients industries include semi-conductor, bio-pharmaceutical, direct selling and IP office.
  In March 2008, Evershine CPAs was elected by four Taiwan-based parent companies to provide BPO service in financial accounting to their subsidiaries located in Suzhou, Hong Kong, Guangzhou and Xiamen respectively.

  • Evershine CPAs, together with the staff of these overseas subsidiaries, managed the following jobs using the web-based IT collaborative platform.
    • Account payable process
    • Account receivable process
    • Payroll BPO service
    • General Ledger
    • Cost Accounting
    • VAT application
    • Tax Returns Application
  • Evershine CPAs staff collaborated with the staff of these overseas subsidiaries. Some of these subsidiaries did not even need to recruit any accountant or cashier in their overseas operation.
  • Evershine CPAs and its local allied partner provided BPO service in financial accounting and payroll affairs to each subsidiary. These allied partners are CPA firms or Tax CPA firms which help assure the quality of BPO service.
  • Through mutual collaboration using the web-based IT collaborative platform, we helped these subsidiaries set up their financial accounting system so that it complied with 404 compliance procedures regulated by the PCAOB.
  Evershine CPAs software engineering team completed the BPO web-based IT collaborative platform version 1.05 which added more functions to improve information security like RSA authentication and Geo-Trust. In addition, the new version added many new functions like communicating with well-known banks in China, Taiwan and Japan. Furthermore, the platform integrates famous accounting systems like UFIDA, Kingdee in China and TKC in Japan last March 2008.

  • RSA provided the One-Time-Password (OTP) e-token which changes the password once each minute. Famous banks worldwide use it to safeguard its clients’ PIN Security.
  • Geo-Trust provided the encode-and-decode function in order to secure data while being transmitted over the Internet.
  • Wiring data files in the .txt or .xls formats produced by Evershine CPA’s BPO platform can be uploaded into the Bank of China, China Commercial Bank, China Agricultural Bank and China Construction Bank in the PRC; China Trust Bank, ESUN Bank and Mega Bank in Taiwan; Mitsubishi Bank in Japan; And HSBC in HK.
  • Data files with accounting code produced by Evershine CPA’s BPO platform in the .txt or .xls formats can be transferred into famous accounting systems such as UFIDA, Kingdee in China; TKC in Japan.
  • Human BPO IT collaborative platform added to provide additional service.
  • Several OA (Office Automation) authorization systems added to provide more services.
  Evershine CPAs successfully won a bid to audit 13 non-profit organizations of Art & Culture granted by the Department of Culture Affairs of the Taipei City Government last November 2007.

  • These non-profit organizations were governed or sponsored by the Department of Cultural Affairs of the Taipei City Government, including the philharmonic orchestra, etc.
  • The Department of Cultural Affairs of the Taipei City Government aims at letting Evershine CPAs provide tuition fees and help to these NGOs regarding how to comply with regulation.
  • In addition, they wanted to make sure their grantee correctly used their sponsorship funds.
  BPO services began operating with a major client in Japan. The clients headquarters is located near Tokyo Tower Building and with five other locations in other parts of Tokyo as well as Osaka, Nagoya, Fukuoka and Mito in September 2007.

  • Evershine CPAs job was to help the client set up their financial internal control system so that it would comply with the 404 compliance system regulated by the PCAOB. Some of the controls are as follows:
    • Each payment in the bank books could be traced to its authorization history and its relevant documents found on-line and on time.
    • Each receipt in the bank books could be traced to its authorization history and its relevant documents on line and on time.
    • Each payment could be approved by the staff of the parent company.
    • Each bank wire could be approved by the staff of the parent company.
  • Additionally, Evershine CPAs helped the client implement on time bookkeeping which enabled it to provide financial statements within 10 days of the end of month.
  • The client was involved in the direct-sales industry and their revenue was about ¥ 7.5 Billion in 2007.
  • The client planned to be listed on the OTCBB in the USA with a goal to later list on the NASDAQ.
  • The client already received a multilevel marketing license from Beijing and is trying to penetrate the China market.
  In July 2007, Evershine CPAs Firm, in cooperation with IAPA members in Mexico City and Mumbai, won a bid to do due diligence in Qatar assigned by Taiwan state-owned China Petroleum Corporation.

  • In July 2007, there was a successful joint bid by IAPA member firms in Taiwan, Mexico City and India. Taiwan state-owned China Petroleum Corporation (CPC) awarded a major assignment to Evershine CPAs Firm (Taiwan) in cooperation with Helmi Talib & Co. (Singapore) and Todarwal & Todarwal (India).
  • The project was a financial and economic feasibility study for the CPC’s plan to invest 5% of upstream equity with Ras Laffan LNG Co. Ltd II, Qatar.
  • In addition to the three IAPA members, this project also invited a Taiwan-based lawyer firm, a Qatar-based lawyer firm and a Qatar- based CPA firm to co-execute the due diligence work.
  • This project was also published as a successful multinational team effort sample in the IAPA October newsletter.
  In June 2007, Evershine CPAs won a bid to audit 13 non-profit organizations of Entertainment Group business from the Department of Culture Affairs of the Taipei City Government.

  • The non-profit organizations governed or sponsored by the Department of Cultural Affairs of the Taipei City Government included dance groups, theater, bands, etc.
  • The Department of Cultural Affairs of the Taipei City Government aimed at letting Evershine CPAs check if their sponsorship funds were being used correctly.
  • Evershine CPAs also provided tuition fees and helped the NGO’s regarding how to comply with regulation.
  Awarded the project “The new model of BPO service for the financial accounting of Taiwanese Entrepreneur’s overseas subsidiaries” in May 2007 granted by the Ministry of Economic Affairs and aimed at promoting service technology for the Taiwan service industry sector.

  • The total grant was NTD 1,200,000
  • The project was approved by nine professional reviewers who came from universities or non-profit technology development organizations
  • Evershine CPAs financial accounting BPO project was recognized as a “new service model” through this panel interview.
  Evershine CPAs successfully won a bid to audit 125 non-profit organizations granted by the Department of Social Welfare of the Taipei City Government in May 2007.

  • The non-profit organizations governed or sponsored by the Department of Social Welfare included orphanages and homes for the aged, etc.
  • Evershine CPAs provided tuition fees and helped the NGO’s regarding how to comply with regulation.
  BPO services began its operations with a major client whose China-based subsidiaries were located in Jinhua, Hangzhou City, Zhejiang Province, Shanghai City, Shuan Cheng, Anhui Province and Huichang County, Jiangxi Province in 2007 March.

  • The client had 13 operating locations in China
  • The client assigned Evershine CPAs to help them build up a financial internal control system which achieved the following goals:
    • Each payment in bank books could be traced to its authorization history and its relevant documents found online and on time.
    • Each receipt in bank books could be traced to its authorization history and its relevant documents on line and on time.
    • Each payment could be approved by the staff of the parent company.
    • Each bank wiring could be approved by the staff of the parent company.
  • Their subsidiaries gradually set up a financial control system that complied with 404 compliance procedures regulated by the PCAOB.
  Evershine CPAs Firm, as an overseas qualified member of the USA PCAOB, in cooperation with a USA domestic CPA firm certified by the USA PCAOB, co-audited a Canadian  in December 2006 a stock market listed company and its Taiwan-based subsidiary.

  • The client is a Mexico listed company
  • A US SEC certified CPA firm approved by the PCAOB engaged Evershine CPAs to co-execute the auditing assignment.
  • Evershine CPAs prepared audit working papers and financial statements for the US SEC certified CPA firm.
  Evershine CPAs Firm was successful to win a bid to audit 45 private schools granted by the Department of Education of the Taipei City Government during December 2006.

  • The audit included Senior High, Junior High and Elementary Schools.
  • Evershine CPAs duty was to help the sponsors check if these schools follow the relevant regulations.
  In March 2007, BPO services began its operation with a client whose parent company is located in Arcadia, California, USA. SS-Taiwan had six locations in Linkou, Taipei, Taichung, Tainan, Kaohsiung and Hualien.

  • Evershine CPAs managed the following jobs using the web-based IT collaborative platform:
  • Evershine CPAs staff collaborated with the staff of the client in Taiwan, whose job positions were typically sale assistants, purchase assistants or administrative assistants. Some of these subsidiaries did not even need to recruit any accountant or cashier in Taiwan.
  • Through mutual collaboration using the web-based IT collaborative platform, we helped the client set up their financial accounting system so it complied with 404 compliance procedures regulated by the PCAOB.
  • The client operations are located in Taipei, Linkou, Tainan, Kaohsiung and Hualien.
  Evershine CPAs Firm won a bid in October 2006 to audit 13 non-profit organizations granted by the Department of Culture Affairs of the Taipei City Government.

  • The non-profit organizations governed or sponsored by the Department of Cultural Affairs included social societies, etc.
  • Evershine CPAs provided tuition and help to these NGO’s regarding how to comply with regulation.
  Evershine CPAs Firm built an alliance with the Farglory Free Trade Zone for mutual benefit in July 2006.

  • The Farglory Free Trade Zone is located near Taiwan Taoyuan International Airport.
  • Farglory FTZ is operated by an affiliate company of the Farglory Group.
  • Evershine CPAs Firm provided legal and taxation consultation to the staff of Farglory.
  • Farglory set as its first priority to introduce its clients in the Farglory FTZ to accept Evershine’s BPO service.
  In May 2006, Evershine CPAs Firm won a bid to audit 26 non-profit organizations assigned by the Departments of Civil Affairs of the Taipei City Government.

  • The non-profit organizations governed or sponsored by the Department of Cultural Affairs included social societies, etc.
  • Evershine CPAs provided tuition and help to these NGO’s regarding how to comply with regulation.
  Evershine CPAs Firm was assigned by state-owned Taiwan Sugar Corporation to provide consultation service during May 2006. The topic was “a Study on Business Positioning and Drawing of Company Vision for the Taiwan Sugar Corporation after several of their business units were privatized”.The total assets of Taiwan Sugar Corporation is close to USD 25 billion. Visit their website at . In this project, Evershine CPAs consultants were lead by Dr. Walter Wang who was a consultant in the L.A. Office of the Mackenzie Corp. U.S.A.
  Evershine CPAs Firm set up the “Xiamen New Century Blue Ocean Consulting Company” in May 2006 at the Incubation Park of the Torch District of Xiamen to be the service window for Xiamen and the west coast of the Taiwan Strait. When clients, who belong to one of the 250 worldwide IAPA members (with over 9, 800 staff) would like to set up an operation in the above-mentioned area, we can provide quick, cost competitive and qualified services.Xiamen New Century provided the following services:

  • Financial Accounting Outsourcing
  • Market Research of Specific Products
  • Set-up of New Corporations
  • Human Payroll Outsourcing
  • Business Consulting.
  Evershine CPAs Firm began the audit of 13 non-profit organizations from the Department of Culture Affairs of the Taipei City Government in 2006 April.

  • The non-profit organizations governed or sponsored by the Department of Cultural Affairs including social societies, etc.
  • Evershine provided tuition and help to these NGO’s regarding how to comply with regulation.
  Evershine CPAs Firm assisted two culture creative companies to acquire a recommendation letter from the Industry Development Bureau to access 80% guaranteed low rate credit loans from the Small & Medium Enterprise Credit Guarantee Fund of Taiwan (Taiwan SMEG).Evershine CPAs assisted the clients to prepare written reports of financial forecasting and financing plans, and pass the Industry Development Bureau (IDB) technical examination in December 2005. Both companies received the recommendation letters from IDB and accessed 80% guaranteed low rate credit loans from the Small & Medium Enterprise Credit Guarantee Fund of Taiwan (Taiwan SMEG). The other 20% loan was from Hua Nan Bank and the International Commercial Bank of China (ICBC).
  In December 2005, Evershine CPAs Firm obtained membership in the UK200 Group of England. If client companies would like to set up operations in England they could do so through Evershine CPAs Firm service.The England UK200 Group is a large international CPA association and with a membership of over 120 firms in England. If a client company would like to set up in England, you may contact Evershine CPAs Firm.
  Evershine CPAs Firm plans to gradually set up service bases in major cities of China such as Shanghai, Beijing, Chengdu, Guangzhou, Xiamen, etc. in November 2005.

  • With the encouragement from IAPA’s Headquarters in London, Evershine CPAs will gradually set up service bases in major cities of China such as Shanghai, Beijing, Chengdu, Guangzhou, Xiamen, etc.
  • Evershine CPAs is in a good position with clear advantages in the Greater China area. First, with a CPA license in China, Dale Chen has more than 10 years working experience in the region. Second, there are no other IAPA member firms now in China. We believe that the clients of all IAPA members will soon see demands for setting up operating bases in China because the economy is continuing to boom.
  • Therefore, we will gradually set up service bases in major cities of China such as Shanghai, Beijing, Chengdu, Guangzhou, Xiamen, etc.
  • We welcome all of IAPA’s members to inform us if their clients need to set up operating bases in China. When we receive any referrals, we will do our best to fulfill their demands.
  BPO services began operating in March 2007 with a local Taiwan client whose parent company is located in Silicon Valley, California, USA.

  • Evershine CPAs managed the following jobs.
    • Account payable process
    • Account receivable process
    • Payroll BPO service
    • General Ledger
    • Cost Accounting
    • VAT application
    • Tax Returns Application
  • Evershine CPAs staff collaborated with the staff of the client. They did not need to recruit any accountant or cashier in Taiwan.
  Evershine CPAs Firm, in cooperation with IAPA members in Mexico City and Mumbai, won a bid to do the due diligence in India, assigned by the Taiwan state-owned China Petroleum Corporation.

  • In October 2005, there was a successful joint bid by IAPA member firms in Taiwan, Mexico City and India. Taiwan state-owned China Petroleum Corporation (CPC) awarded Evershine CPAs Firm (Taiwan), in cooperation with Helmi Talib & Co. (Singapore) and Todarwal & Todarwal (India) a major assignment.
  • The project was a financial and economic feasibility study for the CPC’s plan to invest and purchase 26% of the equity of Nagarjun Oil Corporation Limited at Tamil Nadu, India.
  • In addition to our three IAPA’s member, this project also invited a Taiwan-based law firm, an India-based law firm and an engineering-background senior consultant to co-execute the due diligence work.
  Evershine CPAs Firm was permitted to set up a service window in the National Health Research Institute, located in the Chu-Nan base of the Hsinchu Science Park in September 2005.

  • We officially began providing intellectual property commercialization, accounting, auditing and consulting services.
  • Please see website:
  Evershine CPAs Firm obtained membership in September 2005 as an IAPA representative firm, in Taiwan, which is a global accountant organization.

  • The IAPA has members in over 40 countries and is composed of 250 full and affiliate member firms.
  • Evershine CPAs Firm will provide multinational services in accounting, auditing and consulting with other IAPA members.
  • IAPA website: .
Evershine CPAs Firm won three bids to audit 150 non-profit organizations assigned by three different departments of the Taipei City Government in 2005 August.

  • The non-profit organizations governed or sponsored by the Department of Social Welfare include orphanages, homes for aged, etc.
  • The non-profit organizations governed or sponsored by the Department of Cultural Affairs include social societies, etc.
  • The non-profit organizations governed or sponsored by the Department of Civil Affairs include temples, churches, etc.


