Trademark Registration Services

Trademark Registration Services

Trademark Registration Services

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-> Beijing Trademark Registration Services
-> Shanghai Trademark Registration Services
-> Xiamen Trademark Registration Services
-> Nanjing Trademark Registration Services
-> Hangzhou Trademark Registration Services

-> Taiwan Trademark Registration Services

Taiwan Trademark Registration Services

-> Other Services in Taiwan

-> Trademark Registration in Other Cities of China

Protect your Trademark, Logo, Name, Design
Bilingual Service team Led by CPA and Patent Attorney

Our Service Coverage
*New application of Trademark in Taiwan
*Renewal application Of Trademark in Taiwan

New application of Trademark in Taiwan
Registering your Trademark is very important in Taiwan. If have already applied your trademark in other countries, you may have the right of priority for 12 months. It will take about 18-24 months to get the Certificate of  Trademark Registration in Taiwan from application date. Once your trademark is approved, you will get 10 years exclusive right to use the Trademark, renewable 6 months before expiration.

Renewal application of Trademark in Taiwan
Validity period of Trademark is 10 years. Six (6) months before termination of its 10-year validity period, you should submit renewal application of Trademark.
Each renewal application can get another 10 years protection when getting permission.

Documents Required for Trademark Application

  • Authorization letter of registration
  • Qualification certificate of applicant
  • Clear image or drawing of the trademark
  • List of goods or services
  • The filing fee for at least one class of goods or services.
  • A copy of current Business Registration Certificate of the applicant, if the applicant is a corporation
  • A copy of Identification documents of the applicant, if the applicant is an individual person

Trademark Registration Flow

  • Trademark Search
  • Initial Application
  • Substantive Examination
  • Publication
  • Issuance of Certificate

Preliminary Trademark Search

The Preliminary trademark search, while optional, to avoid legal complications in the future. The point of a trademark search is to ensure that the trademark is not already under application or registered by another entity in order to reduce the possibilities of the rejection or opposition raised.

Time Required: 18-24 months

Validity Period: 10 years

Renewal: Six (6) months before the expiration, renewal is valid for 10 years.

If you are interested in our Taiwan Trademark Registration Service, please contact:

Evershine CPAs Firm//Evershine Patent Attorney Firm
6th Floor 378, Chang Chun Rd., Taipei City, Taiwan R.O.C.

Dale Chen, Principal Partner CPA/Patent Attorney/MBA
Office Tel: +886-2-2717-0515 ext. 100
Skype: daleccchen
linkedin address: 
Dale Chen Linkedin

Jerry Chu, USA Graduate School Alumni and a well-English speaker
Tel No.: +886-2-2717-0515 ext. 103
Mobile: +886-939-357-735

China Trademark Registration Services

-> Other Services in China

-> Beijing Trademark Registration Services
-> Shanghai Trademark Registration Services
-> Xiamen Trademark Registration Services
-> Nanjing Trademark Registration Services
-> Hangzhou Trademark Registration Services

-> Taiwan Trademark Registration Services

Protect your Trademark, Logo, Name, New Design
Service Team members are led by CPA and Patent Attorney

With a wide consumers market and as a production base, China attracts many foreign investors to expand their businesses. However, China is a severely competitive market which brings both opportunities and challenges to the foreign investors.

By virtue of registration of the trademark in China, generally, foreign investors can get legal protection on their products and services in China, allowing their brands to secure sustainable support in China market. Therefore, if your company wants to expand market in People’s Republic of China (abbreviated as China), firstly, you should consider how to protect your trademark and domain Name through registration including new application and continuation application.

Our Service Coverage
*New application of Trademark in China
*Renewal application Of Trademark in China
*Registration of Domain Name (.cn)

New application of Trademark in China
Registering your Trademark is very important in Mainland China. It is a must. Otherwise, it might happen that your Trademark will be registered by other entity when you successfully develop your business in Mainland China. If have already applied your trademark in other countries, you may have the right of priority for 6 months. It will take about 18-24 months to get Certificate of  Trademark Registration in China from application date.

Once your trademark is approved, you will get 10 years exclusive right to use the Trademark renewable.

Renewal application of Trademark in China
Effective period for approved Trademark is 10 years. Renewal application should be submitted more than 6 months before its expiration date. Each renewal application can get another 10 years protection upon approval.

Registration of Domain Name (.cn)
Please be aware that Domain Name (.cn) in Mainland China is not easily applied because they have strict censoring system. Specific documents are necessary.

The Right of Priority on China Trademark Registration

  • An applicant may enjoy the right of priority in China within six months from the 1st day (initial application) of filing Trademark registration in his/her country. However, this is only adopted between the country in which an applicant first files an application for trademark registration and China or any international protocol to which both countries are parties if he/she files another application for trademark registration.
  • The owner of a trademark may enjoy the right of priority for a period of 6 months from the first day of which Trademark was used on any merchandise exhibited internationally & recognized by the Chinese government.

Documents Required for Trademark Application
*Authorization Letter of Registration
*Qualification Certificate of Applicant
*Clear Image or Drawing of the Trademark
*List of Goods or Services
*Filing fee for at least one class of goods or services
*Copy of Current Business Registration Certificate of the Applicant (If corporation)
*Copy of Identification Documents of the Applicant (If individual)

Trademark Registration Flow
*Trademark Search
*Initial Application
*Substantive Examination
*Issuance of Certificate

Preliminary Trademark Search
The Preliminary trademark search, while optional, is to avoid legal complications in the future. It ensures that the trademark is not yet applied or registered by another entity to reduce the possibilities of rejection or opposition raise.

Time Required: 18-24 months

Validity Period: 10 years

Renewal: Applied six (6) months before expiration. Renewal is valid for 10 years.

Customs Protection on Intellectual Property Rights
China prohibits the import or export of any goods which infringes the intellectual property rights. A trademark owner is entitled to file a record with the General Administration of Customs of China in accordance with applicable provisions under Customs Law of People Republic of China. If the owner or the General Administration of Customs of China notices any alleged trademark infringement, the General Administration of Customs of China will detain the suspected infringing goods immediately and check against them with the owner for further legal protection.

If you are interested our above Trademark Registration Service and Domain name (.cn registration), contact: Taiwan Area Xiamen, Guangzhou and South China Area: Beijing  and other Northern China Area: Shanghai and other Eastern China area: Nanjing & nearby area Hangzhou & nearby area Cities in other ares of China

Evershine has its 100% owned office to provide you services in:
Taipei, Beijing, Shanghai, Xiamen, Hangzhou

We have been providing our services with our partners in:
Kaohsiung Taiwan, Singapore, Hong Kong, Tokyo Japan, Hangzhou China,
Nanjing China, Guangzhou China, Kuala Lumpur Malaysia

We can arrange co-serving partners for other locations not mentioned above, please click the links to find out more: IAPA Members and LEA Members. There are many Evershine CPAs Firm assoicates around the world. We have around 980 firms with 38,000 employees in about 450 cities. If your firms are located in the above-mentioned cities, we can serve you right away.

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